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A member registered Aug 12, 2021

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Amazing TF adventure! Really well written and a fun puzzle to play through :3

The only thing I would change is that you can't be full donkey with mind intact (That I have found), but besides that, it was a lot of fun ^^

Short and sweet transformation game! If you know The Stanley Parable you know what to expect. What I liked was how it was written and how it looked! There's plenty of transformations to check out and simple enough to not fluff you before the tf =w=

This game is very character driven and probably I haven't played much about it to find all the possible tfs. I only have one detail that I still want to share, and it is that the movement is slow, very slow in my opinion. I really missed being able to sprint and easily be able to go to one place to another without having to forcefully having to wait the walk towards it. Besides it, the game is really interesting, it has a bit of everything! Exploring, mysteries, combat, well written dialogue, tf. (Although I only managed to find one so far which is the one shown in the main pictures). So if tf is not your main purpose and are interested in well, the game and story, I'd say it's very much worth check it out!.

I think what I like the most about this game is about how open and how interesting the sellers are

Regarding the tf theme, yeah, there isn't much about it besides growing or changing genitals, from what I've seen at least, still, the ambiance and the dialogue is interesting enough to explore around it ^^